It's always nice when good things happen to you. For me it's always unexpected because I tend to be a pessimist and, frankly, lots of stuff--of the bad variety--has happened to me. Not as much as some, but maybe more than most.
But today I did my duty to myself and my health and had a colonoscopy and the doctor said everything looked great, see you in ten years. Of course I automatically thought I won't be around in another ten years to see him again, but when you've had a quintuple heart bypass on your 39th birthday--following a heart attack when you were still 38--you figure now that you've made it to 54, you're really on borrowed time.
Be that as it may, when I got home and was able to eat solid food for the first time in more than 36 hours I was feeling doubly fine. Then the day got even better.
I glanced out the patio doors to check the birds as I do numerous times every day and on one feeder I saw a bird I hadn't seen in at least 20 years. There was Pheucticus ludovicianus--the red-breasted grosbeak--one of God's most beautiful creatures. It was facing away from me at first and its primrose breast couldn't be seen, but I knew from the white bars on the black wings and the white marks on the black rump what it was.
As you can see, it finally rewarded me with a full frontal view. Just wish I had a better zoom on my digital camera. But I'm not complaining. On this day I have nothing much to complain about.