times brilliant, sometimes tragically ordinary observations on life from a pistol-packing neo-con

Thursday, October 12, 2006


Sure, it's just snow flurries and the occasional snow shower, but it's only October 12. Seems a bit early for this nonsense. But after a strong cold front moved through last night, it was clear that Indian Summer was over or in hiatus. When the mercury is barely above 40 even with the sun shining, you know a change has come.

How long will it stay this way? God, let's hope not until April. It's supposed to start warming up a bit every day, beginning tomorrow, and by Tuesday it could be in the mid-60s. I can live with that. There's a world of difference between the 40s and the 60s. One means we're still in the pleasant part of autumn, while the other means winter is coming faster than most of us would like.

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