times brilliant, sometimes tragically ordinary observations on life from a pistol-packing neo-con

Friday, March 12, 2010


Until a couple days ago, the dominant color around here was white. The last storm  dumped about a foot of snow and added to what was still on the ground from a very snowy February.

But then the sun came out and it warmed up to way above-normal daytime temps and suddenly the only white left was in small patches that looked like torn bedsheets scattered across the fields. Now there is no one dominant color, but a mosaic of olive, tan and ochre. 

The tag end of winter is an ugly, seemingly dead time. The snow might be gone, but the green shoots of spring aren't here yet. It's a time of waiting.

It's also the time when you discover that yes, your dog was busy in the yard over the last couple months and you can clearly see there was a pattern to her busyness. Looks more like a minefield out there than a yard. 

The visuals aren't the only bad thing about this time of year. It's also mud season. When the dog comes in after patrolling the property she looks like she's been in a pigsty. Real pain in the ass to have to clean her up every time she needs to go piss, but that's March and early April around here.