times brilliant, sometimes tragically ordinary observations on life from a pistol-packing neo-con

Friday, March 20, 2009


The vernal equinox came and went this morning; now it's official. So of course it's only 36 degrees and the wind makes it feel even colder. Didn't bother the dog--she jumped in the water-filled ditch like she always does. But my ears were damned chilly and my eyes and nose were running to beat the band.

Of course it's been spring here--mostly--for a while. The red-winged blackbirds came back a couple of weeks ago. Everywhere you go in the woods you hear a cacophony of bird song and wherever there's standing water in the woods you hear the din of horny frogs.

As much as I like summer, spring really is the most glorious season. The reawakening of a lifeless land. New life all around you. Can't beat it with a stick.

This time of year I always kick myself for not having planted lots of bulbs the previous fall so I could enjoy the early colors of crocuses, hyacinths, daffodils and tulips. But come fall I always forget. There are always some things in our lives we never seem to get quite right and for me this is one of them.

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