times brilliant, sometimes tragically ordinary observations on life from a pistol-packing neo-con

Thursday, July 07, 2005


It's been nearly a week now since Xiao Li's surgery. They've finally gotten him out of bed. They keep you forever in Chinese hospitals, both before and after surgery. Not like here where they have you up and out ASAP.

I'm sure we sometimes send people home too soon to save money, but keeping someone in hospital for weeks after surgery when they have no complications is equally stupid. A large number of people end up getting sick in hospitals from all the germs circulating there and more than a few end up worse than when they came in the door. And trust me, Chinese hospitals have a lot to learn when it comes to cleanliness.

Still no word on the post-surgery biopsy to see if they got all the tumor. Let's pray they did. They're supposed to start him on chemo pretty soon, I think; I'll have to get the complete story on that when my wife gets home from China tonight.

But so far, so good.

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