times brilliant, sometimes tragically ordinary observations on life from a pistol-packing neo-con

Thursday, December 17, 2009


The Juncos are back. Saw a couple of them hopping around in the Rose of Sharon bushes this afternoon. Also saw a Tufted Titmouse. Eats just like the nuthatches and Chickadees: grabs a sunflower seed and whacks it against a tree branch to help open it.

There was also a flock of Starlings here this morning, but not the huge hoard you usually get. They were hanging off the suet feeders and hogging the food, as they always do. I let 'em go for a while, then pounded on the glass to scare 'em away. I don't begrudge anyone a meal, but there are limits when it comes to Starlings.

The Cooper's Hawk was hanging around late in the afternoon yesterday. He was in the maple tree where I have my trail cam hanging. Ran to get the camera hoping I could haul him in with the 300mm tele, but when I raised the camera he took off like a shot. I'm surprised, because he seems to have become somewhat tame--as tame as any wild hawk can be. I've caught him sitting on the deck railing any number of times.

It would be very cool to have a color video cam trained on the feeders to capture all the comings and goings during the day. There may be all sorts of interesting bird I never get to see because they come when I'm not here or not looking. Something like a security camera attached to a hard drive or an old VCR. Would be a pricey proposition, though.

It's supposed to warm up tomorrow, so I may get out the hedge trimmers and lop off about three feet of the Rose of Sharon bushes. Even without leaves they hinder my view of the feeders. Should have done it in October when it was still warm, but the bushes held their leaves well into November and even re-flowered. Weird. Must be the work of the Goracle.

Here are some trail cam pix from the end of October I forgot to post. Finally captured something other than a fat black Lab hunting rabbits and mice.

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