times brilliant, sometimes tragically ordinary observations on life from a pistol-packing neo-con

Tuesday, December 08, 2009


Sherwood Anderson once said the hardest part of writing is putting the seat of the pants in the seat of the chair. Boy, did he get that right.

Once upon a time I wrote a lot of copy every day. Sure, it was only TV news copy, but at least I was writing. Even after I left TV news I still wrote freelance magazine and newspaper pieces for a time.

But for at least the last ten years I have been a complete slug. I have written next to nothing of any length or worth. Hell, I haven't even written anything for this stupid blog since May.

It's time to shake off the sloth and get busy again. I'm going to force myself to blog something daily--or as close to that as seems worthwhile.

It's time to stop being a fat, lazy slob. Writing won't make me lose weight, but it can help me to be less lazy.

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